Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Dark Shore (The Atlanteans #2) by Kevin Emerson: Review

RATING: 1/5 stars!
Author: Kevin Emerson
Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books
Source: Library
Release date: May 21, 2013
Find it on Goodreads here!
SUMMARY (from Goodreads):
Spoilers if you have not read book 1. Highlight to view.

Owen and Lilly have escaped Camp Eden, but the next step on their journey to find Atlantis and protect it from Paul and Project Elysium involves crossing the perilous wastelands of a wrecked planet. And unlike in EdenWest, where bloody truths were kept hidden beneath the surface, out here the horrors live bright beneath the poisonous sun.

With treachery at every turn, Owen has no choice but to bring his wounded clan to the dark shores of Desenna, a city built from the ashes of EdenSouth. Desenna's blood-soaked walls may hold the key to Owen's journey in the form of the third Atlantean as well as a deeper understanding of the true purpose of the Three, but there are also secrets lurking in the shadows, waiting to be unleashed, and once they rise, there may be no escape.

Filled with action, mind-bending twists, and powerful scenes of emotional and physical sacrifice, THE DARK SHORE takes readers on a journey to a question so great, even the gods have trouble answering it: What would you be willing to do, to save humanity from itself?

Since this is the second book in a series, my review will be brief.
I could not finish this book. It got so boring in the middle that I had to quite with 200 pages left and read the ending. The writing, the plotline, the characters, all bored me so much. I was reading it, and I found I just didn't care any more. So I just put it down.
Overall, very disappointed. DNF.
CONTENT: I didn't read the whole book, so this may not be very accurate. Kissing, some extremely gross and disturbing things, and no swearing that I can recall.

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